Online learning: free courses and resources for all Newham families. Plus, specialist emotional and mental health learning for teenagers.
Nurturing emotional health and wellbeing from antenatal throughout childhood and adolescence. London Borough of Newham, in partnership with the Solihull Approach, offers free access to inourplace evidence-based online courses expertly designed by NHS professionals.
Sign up to better understand your child’s feelings and behaviour and raise them to be emotionally aware, sociable and confident. Courses are tailored for all stages of a child’s development to help all family members through reflective, supportive learning without judgment.
Residents can access these courses for free by entering the Newham Access Code:
Become a more confident parent by learning about child brain development, challenging behaviour, communication and your own wellbeing needs because parenting is a journey that is always changing!
For teenagers, specialist online learning will help you make sense of brain changes during adolescence and what that means for how you feel, make decisions, and connect in your important relationships.
For parents and carers
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Learn about your child’s development with free online courses for parents and carers, and build your confidence in parenting. Courses cover the stages of a child’s development, and they offer helpful advice and ideas from other parents and NHS professionals.
The courses are for you if you are interested in better-understanding children’s feelings and how to nurture positive mental health or if you are perhaps worried about challenging behaviour.
For grandparents
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Accessible learning for grandparents who want to understand the evolving needs of children in the modern world, as well as evidence-based parenting tools and techniques informed by psychology.
For teenagers
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Have you ever wondered why making decisions becomes so hard in adolescence or why emotions seem bigger and more intense? Online learning for teens explains how brain development impacts how we feel and behave. Follow our courses ‘for teenagers only’ to understand what this means for you.
Understanding adult mental wellbeing
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Emotional health is all about relationships. As social beings, we experience the world through a range of relationships. Our courses for adults (and young people) provide a reflective space for an in-depth understanding of your own mental wellbeing and needs.
Auto-translations are available for all other languages using Google Translate.
How can understanding infant emotional health help with common sleep problems?
How can you support your child when moving up or changing school?
For the emotional health and wellbeing of all children and their families so that they can thrive as kind, sociable and emotionally aware people throughout their lives.
inourplace online courses are developed by psychologists at the Solihull Approach in partnership with health experts, schools and psychotherapists, as well as parents of children.
'Well presented information, with enough biology/explanation to fully understand the changes that are taking place - also good/helpful suggestions of how to accommodate the teen years - thank you.'
Tutor Understanding your teenager’s brain'My 15-year-old watched the sensory video clips. He identified his brother's behaviour in some of them but very much saw himself. He commented, 'Mum, that's me, and that's why I do what I do!'. He asked me for the link for the clips and sent them to his friend, who had been calling him weird, so he could understand him better. He also opened up to his friendship group about his autism and can talk to them about what it is like to be him.'
Parent Understanding your child with additional needs'A very easy-to-understand way of putting things, and no longer will I fight against things that I can not change due to biology.'
Teenager Understanding your brain (for teenagers only!)They have a range of tools to help you promote their courses, which are available in their core assets.
Follow a range of supportive training for all professionals who work with children.
Follow the Solihull Approach on social media to stay up to date:
For technical support, please use our Support Form or call 0121 296 4448 (Mon – Fri, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.).
'This course has been an absolutely invaluable gift to me. It has and will change so many aspects of my life. I am undoubtedly a better parent and a more rounded and fulfilled person as a result. I WISH I'd known all this years ago.'
Learner Understanding your child: from toddler to teenager